Being Neurodivergent in a neurotypical world is fraught with opportunities to experience and be a victim of oppression. 

The sessions for “Neurodiversity and Oppression” explore some of the mechanisms at play in the experience of ND oppression, including the Social Model of Disability and the role of burnout in ND lives. There will also be an opportunity to hear from folks who live at the intersection of Neurodivergence and other marginalized identities.

October 24th: Day One

9:00am - 11:00amSession One: Social Model of Disability

The Social Model of Disability is a concept that moves the onus of disability from the individual to the greater society. This session will explore ways that this shift in mindset impacts the lived experience of ADHD and Autism.

- Stigma with supports and the role of creativity in developing supports that work
- Systems create problems that lead to “illegal” activity
- How layers of oppression compound (e.g.: racism & sane-ism)


Session attendees will:

1. Learn how the Social Model of Disability can be an anti-oppressive framework for therapy.
2. Identify layers of oppression and how other “isms” impact ADHD and Autism.

CEs: 2 CEs (can count for Cultural Competence CEs, Law & Ethics CEs, or Health Equity CEs)

12:00pm - 2:00pmSession Two: The Intersection of Neurodivergence and Other Identities

This session will include a Panel Discussion with 4-5 multi-marginalized ADHDers and Autistics.

Autism and ADHD are one of many possible oppressed identities. This panel will hear from folks who experience Neurodivergence and other marginalized identities.

This session will also focus on the importance of the disability movement to be intersectional. The attendees will be shown how to develop more cultural awareness.


Session attendees will:

1. Explore how Neurodivergence is just one form of oppression.
2. Identify ways that ADHD and Autism are impacted by other types of marginalization.

CEs: 2 CEs (can count for Cultural Competence CEs, Law & Ethics CEs, or Health Equity CEs)

3:00pm - 5:00pmSession Three: Is ND Burnout Inevitable?

Living as a Neurodivergent person in today’s capitalist society means that it is harder than ever to avoid burnout. This class will investigate how to recognize burnout and support clients in affirming and non-oppressive ways. Attendees of this session will also learn about the role of excitement and joyful activities in burnout, as well as how suicide rates are related to ND burnout.


Session attendees will:

1. Learn how ND burnout can present in phases.
2. Address the normalization of burnout and the needed supports to offset it.

CEs: 2 CEs (can count for Cultural Competence CEs or Health Equity CEs)


For many Neurodivergent people, their experience of differences does not end with their nervous system. In fact, ADHD and Autism come with a host of co-occurring issues and illnesses that further impact their need for support. 

The sessions for “Neurodiversity and Co-occurrences" cover topics including the most common co-occurring issues, differential diagnoses or identities, hormones, and the impact on ND experiences throughout the lifetime.

October 25th - Day Two

9:00am - 11:00amSession One: Differentials and Co-Occurrences in Autism and ADHD

This session will take a deep dive into some of the most common physical and mental health issues associated with Autistic and ADHD experiences. It will also cover several differential diagnoses and ND experiences.

- Twice/Thrice Exceptional


Session attendees will:

1. Explore common physical differences that Autistics and ADHDers may experience.
2. Learn about co-occurring issues that are more prevalent in Neurodivergent people.

CEs: 2 Cultural Competence CEs

12:00pm - 2:00pmSession Two: The Role of Addiction in ADHD and Autism

Co-Presented by B Lourenco and Lenni Shea, LMHCA, SUDP

Addiction is a common issue for Autistics and ADHDers. This class will address some of the reasons why this problem exists while also looking at ways to modify addiction treatment to accommodate neurodivergence.

- “Addiction” to ADHD medications
- The need for developing new routines and systems


Session attendees will:

1. Identify reasons why the ND community has high rates of addiction.
2. Explore ND-affirming considerations when treating addiction.

CEs: 2 CEs (can count for Cultural Competence CEs or Health Equity CEs)

3:00pm - 5:00pmSession Three: Neurodivergence over the Lifetime

Due to several factors, how one experiences ADHD and Autism can change over one’s lifetime. This class will examine some factors associated with these changes and how they may impact ND individuals.

This session will also address the importance of creating ND developmental norms and intentionally questioning, “What is normal?”


Session attendees will:

1. Explore the role of hormones on the ADHD and Autistic Experience
2. Learn about the ways the ADHD and Autistic experience may shift over the lifetime

CEs: 2 Cultural Competence CEs


Being Neurodivergent doesn’t happen in a vacuum; in fact, one of the ways that ND differences show up most strikingly is in a relational setting.

Sessions scheduled for the “Neurodiversity and Relationships” day of the Symposium offer ways to dive deeper into topics around sex and intimacy, the impact of neurodivergent grief on relationships, and the lived experience of PDA and how it impacts connections with loved ones.

October 26th - Day 3

9:00am - 11:00amSession One: ADHD and Autism - and the Relationship to Sex

This session will explore how the inherent differences of both ADHD and Autism can impact intimate relationships and sexual experiences for both Neurodivergent folks and their partners.

This session will also cover the overlap of kink and non-monogamy in neurodivergent (ND) communities. We will also be addressing the preponderance of sexual assault in ND communities.


Session attendees will:

1. Learn how sensory and attending differences impact sexual experiences for ADHD and Autism.
2. Understand how emotional and communication differences impact sexual experiences for ADHD and Autism.

CEs: 2 Cultural Competence CEs

12:00pm - 2:00pmSession Two: What is PDA and How is it Impacting My Life?

Although not currently recognized in the United States, pervasive drive for autonomy (PDA) is a neurodivergent profile that many people experience. This class will help clinicians identify this profile and how to support PDA in an affirming way.

We will also be comparing PDA to ODD and other mental health diagnoses. In addition, this session will explore the implications of PDA on families and relationships. Attendees will also gain an understanding of the diagnostic fallout from young children receiving a diagnosis of ODD (oppositional defiant disorder) and the relationship between PDA and ODD, and what is referred to as the school-to-prison pipeline.


Session attendees will:

1. Explore Pervasive Drive for Autonomy (or Pathological Demand Avoidance from the medical model) from an ND-affirming lens.
2. Learn the social implications of PDA through both the medical and ND-affirming models.

CEs: 2 Cultural Competence CEs

3:00pm - 5:00pmSession Three: How Unmasking Exposes Grief

The process of unmasking can bring excitement and euphoria while also inviting intense and sometimes unrelenting grief. Learn how the unmasking process may impact your clients and their loved ones, and how you can best support them.

This session will also present the impact of unmasking on one’s relationships and how to set up a new life that acknowledges disability.


Session attendees will:

1. Explore the process of unmasking and skill regression and/or burnout.
2. Examine the process of making sense of self as a disabled person.

CEs: 2 Cultural Competence CEs


You can register for the full symposium (and save $145!), register by day, or register by session. 

 Cascadia Training values quality continuing education that is accessible, inclusive, and without barriers to all. We never want the cost of our workshops, particularly our multi-session workshops, to be a barrier to attending one of our workshops.

We offer several options to make our workshops cost-inclusive: payment plans, a limited number of full and partial scholarships, discounts for students, and discounts for early professionals.

For payment plans, you can select paying 50% today and 50% due by October 21, 2024

Please email us at [email protected] to inquire about discounts and scholarships.

  • BEST VALUE - SAVE $145!

    Get access to all THREE days and all NINE sessions for only $575, a savings of $145 off buying sessions individually (discount is already in price).

  • Register the entire Day One for only $199 (vs. $240 for three sessions at $80 per single session)

  • Register for a single session at $80.00 per session.

    Day 1, Session 1: Social Model of Disability

  • Register for a single session at $80.00 per session.

    Day 1, Session 2: The Intersection of Neurodivergence and Other Identities

  • Register for a single session at $80.00 per session.

    Day 1, Session 3: Is ND Burnout Inevitable?

  • Register for two sessions for $150.

    Day 1, Session 1: Social Model of Disability
    Day 1, Session 2: The Intersection of Neurodivergence and Other Identities

  • Register for two sessions for $150.

    Day 1, Session 1: Social Model of Disability

    Day 1, Session 3: Is ND Burnout Inevitable?

  • Register for two sessions for $150.

    Day 1, Session 2: The Intersection of Neurodivergence and Other Identities

    Day 1, Session 3: Is ND Burnout Inevitable?

  • Register the entire Day Two for only $199 (vs. $240 for three sessions at $80 per single session)

  • Register for a single session at $80.00 per session.

    Day 2, Session 1: Differentials and Co-Occurrences in Autism and ADHD

  • Register for a single session at $80.00 per session.

    Day 2, Session 2: The Role of Addiction in ADHD and Autism

  • Register for a single session at $80.00 per session.

    Day 2, Session 3: Neurodivergence over the Lifetime

  • Register for two sessions for $150.

    Day 2, Session 1: Differentials and Co-Occurrences in Autism and ADHD
    Day 2, Session 2: The Role of Addiction in ADHD and Autism

  • Register for two sessions for $150.

    Day 2, Session 1: Differentials and Co-Occurrences in Autism and ADHD
    Day 2, Session 3: Neurodivergence over the Lifetime

  • Register for two sessions for $150.

    Day 2, Session 2: The Role of Addiction in ADHD and Autism
    Day 2, Session 3: Neurodivergence over the Lifetime

  • Register the entire Day Three for only $199 (vs. $240 for three sessions at $80 per single session)

  • Register for a single session at $80.00 per session.

    Day 3, Session 1: ADHD and Autism - and the Relationship to Sex

  • Register for a single session at $80.00 per session.

    Day 3, Session 2: What is PDA and How is it Impacting My Life?

  • Register for a single session at $80.00 per session.

    Day 3, Session 3: How Unmasking Exposes Grief

  • Register for two sessions for $150.

    Day 3, Session 1: ADHD and Autism - and the Relationship to Sex
    Day 3, Session 2: What is PDA and How is it Impacting My Life?

  • Register for two sessions for $150.

    Day 3, Session 1: ADHD and Autism - and the Relationship to Sex
    Day 3, Session 3: How Unmasking Exposes Grief

  • Register for two sessions for $150.

    Day 3, Session 2: What is PDA and How is it Impacting My Life?
    Day 3, Session 3: How Unmasking Exposes Grief

Registrant Info


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