Chronic pain is not only physically debilitating it also causes mental, emotional, and spiritual suffering. It is easy to become hopeless. To feel betrayed by one’s own body. To feel overwhelming grief and anger. Moreover, when the root of chronic pain is a mystery, that sense of confusion and helplessness can be overwhelming.

Thankfully, there is hope. This interactive and experiential training will explore non-pharmaceutical ways to address chronic pain. You will learn practical, evidence-based tools and strategies to share with clients. We’ll examine how Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy approach pain management. I will also introduce you to the Emotional Freedom Technique, a research-based somatic modality that is highly effective in mitigating the emotional distress associated with chronic pain.

We will also discuss how clients can use mindfulness techniques to change their relationship with their physical distress. In addition, we will explore the pain management benefits of yoga, hypnosis, guided imagery, somatic tracking, and more.

Clients with chronic pain can feel powerless about their situation. What you learn in this training will empower your clients as they discover that living with chronic pain doesn’t have to be a life sentence.


Identify the emotional, mental, and spiritual impacts of living with chronic pain.
Understand at least ten non-pharmaceutical ways to manage chronic pain.
Become familiar with the emotional issues surrounding chronic pain.
Discuss the role of grief and anger in living with chronic pain.
Practice somatic modalities such as Emotional Freedom Technique and Mindfulness tools.
Explore newer pain management tools such as somatic tracking.
Identify how to introduce pain management techniques appropriately to clients.


  • 3 CEs

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